Exceptional Student Education

Director of Exceptional Student Education
Dr. Rhoda Gouin

Exceptional Student Education Administrative Assistant
Maria Flanders

Exceptional Student Education Coordinator
Cheri Campbell

School Psychologist
Lisa-Jan Bailey

School Psychologist
Caitlin Murphy

Behavior Interventionist
Leigh Jenkins

Exceptional Students Education Evaluations Facilitator

Holly Allan allanh@tcitys.org

Districts have Child Find responsibility for all children suspected of having disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disabilities. This includes:

  • children, birth through 3, who may or may not be referred to and served by the state’s early intervention program, Babies Can’t Wait;

  • preschool children, ages 3 through 5, who may not be enrolled in a Georgia-funded pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, including children who are parentally placed in private preschools or daycare centers outside the district;

  • children who are enrolled in a public school within the district, including public charter schools;

  • children who are parentally placed in private and home schools or who are attending charter schools within the district;

  • highly mobile children, including migrant, homeless, and children who are wards of the state;

  • children served in community programs such as rehabilitation centers, daycare centers, etc.;

  • children, ages 18 through 21, who are incarcerated in facilities operated by the local sheriff’s office or other municipalities; and

  • any other children suspected of having disabilities.

Please contact the Exceptional Student Education Department for more information:

  • If you are aware of a preschooler, age 3 to 5, who has or may have a developmental disability

  • If you know of a child who is enrolled in Thomasville City Schools, and suspect he/she needs special education services; please contact your child’s school and express your concern to your child's teacher and/or to the school administrator as well.

  • If the child resides within the Thomasville City Schools District and attends private school or home school.