On behalf of the Thomasville City Schools, Altman + Barrett Architects, is soliciting bids from qualified subcontractors and vendors for the modification of an existing 2,100 square foot cafeteria into a school based health clinic which includes exam rooms, office space, and toilet rooms for Thomasville City Schools at Harper Elementary in Thomasville, Georgia. Bids will be received for all work (General Contracting) all trades. Altman + Barrett Architects will receive sealed bids until December 5th, 2:00 P.M. at Thomasville City Board of Education, 404 N. Broad St. (Floor 3), Thomasville, GA 31792. All bids received will be publicly read aloud. A mandatory Prebid conference for all bidders will be held at Harper Elementary School, 520 Fletcher Street, Thomasville, GA 31792) on November 18th , 2024 at 10:00 a.m., local time. Prospective bidders are required to attend. To see the full request for bid, please visit

October 29, 2024