National Honor Society Preps for Virtual Officer Election

Thomasville High School National Honor Society officer candidates for the 2020-21 school year are in the process of interviews with the current NHS officers and board in preparation for virtual voting. On Monday, April 27th, candidates running for President and Vice President were interviewed by the NHS officers and advisors over Google Meet. On Monday, May 4th, candidates for Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Parliamentarian were interviewed as well. Voting will be conducted through Google Forms sent to current NHS members. All candidate speeches are available to anyone who visits the THS NHS website:

President- Amber Booker, Sara Strickland
Vice President- Clara Clifton, Mauri Leroux
Secretary- Sydney Deutsch, Caroline Hiers
Treasurer- Carson Cochran, Ella Millere
Historian- Iris Allgrove
Parliamentarian- Ellie Griffin, Aubrey Sawyer