Thomasville City Schools’ top spellers from three elementary schools and middle school competed in the District Spelling Bee on January 18, 2023, at the TCS Board of Education. First place winner Brady McKenna will represent the school district at the Region Spelling Bee.
Pictured above is our spelling bee winner, Brady McKenna - 7th Grader, MacIntyre Park Middle School Scholars Program and second place Anne Welch - 5th Grader. Jerger Elementary School.
Pictured above are the competitors from each school. Front Row (left to right): Scott Elementary, Tremayne Woodard; Harper Elementary, Jordyn Yates; Harper Elementary, Aiden Miller; Middle Row (left to right): Jerger Elementary, Noah Wade; Scott Elementary, Gabrielle Sanchez; MacIntyre Park Middle School Scholars Program, Jackson Carson; Top Row (left to right): MacIntyre Park Middle School Scholars Program, Brady McKenna (winner) and Jerger Elementary, Annie Welch (runner up).